Thelma and louise torrent 1080p
Thelma and louise torrent 1080p

thelma and louise torrent 1080p

The Fifth Element received a bit of a bashing by some critics, although personally I thought it was pretty good, as long as you didn't expect anything particularly deep. Not that it's particularly good, mind you, it's just that it's been over a year since the original movie was released, and I'd imagine quite a lot of people will have forgotten about the movie's existence. I'm happy to say that The Fifth Element, a new game from Kalisto, based upon the film of the same name, is not a hastily churned out effort, released just to cash in on the popularity of the movie. Not that any games companies shied away from release poor quality movie games, though - the people at Ocean were notorious for turning any film license they could their get their hands on and turning it into some poor quality platform game. That said, not all films make good games - the point and click adventure 'Thelma and Louise Hit The Road' and the all-action shoot-em-up 'Forrest Gump: Knee Deep in the Stupid' both never saw the light of day. Then they'd release a game loosely based upon the film, in the hope of cashing in on the movie's popularity. What games companies used to do, and still do to a lesser extent, was to do is find a big box office hit, preferably one with a few recognisable and generally memorable characters. Film licenses have long been a way for companies to make a few quick quid by releasing products with a particular film's name bolted on, and this practice extends to the games industry.

Thelma and louise torrent 1080p